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Akira the Don

Rap music
Industrial music
Rock music
Akira the Don is part of the ever-bubbling UK underground scene. Rapper, producer and remixer, he is particularly eclectic. His references range from Chris de Burgh to Wu Tang Clan, while his music is more inspired by a rap version of Marilyn Manson. Akira the Don is a whimsical character with a reasonably excessive ego, and a self-proclaimed workaholic. His 2006 debut album When We Were Young turns out to be far less varied than Akira the Don's discourse would suggest.
The Genius of the Crowd
The Genius of the CrowdAkira the Don and Charles Bukowski

KalpaAkira the Don and Alan Watts

Studied Mediocrity
Studied MediocrityAkira the Don and Alan Watts

STEPAkira the Don and Jocko Willink

The Robots
The RobotsAkira the Don and Naval Ravikant

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The Primary Fact of ExperienceAkira the Don and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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