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Akshat Verma

Bhaag D.K. Bose Aandhi Aayi
Bhaag D.K. Bose Aandhi AayiRam Sampath, Akshat Verma and Amitabh Bhattacharya

Delhi Belly

Nakkadwaley Disco Udharwaley Khisko
Nakkadwaley Disco Udharwaley KhiskoKeerthi Sagathia, Akshat Verma and Munna Dhiman

I Hate You (Like I Love You)
I Hate You (Like I Love You)Keerthi Sagathia, Sona Mohapatra, Akshat Verma, Ram Sampath and Shazneen Arethna

Ja Chudail
Ja ChudailSuraj Jagan, Akshat Verma and Amitabh Bhattacharya