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Alexis Jordan

Pop music
Soul music
Dance music
Inspired by the likes of Billie Holiday, Rihanna and Beyoncé, a nervous, 14-year-old Alexis Taylor first came to attention when she delivered a pitch perfect version of Whitney Houston's I Have Nothing at an audition for the first season of America's Got Talent in 2006. Championed by judge Brandy, the South Carolinian made it to the semi-finals of the TV talent contest and was widely acclaimed for her cheery, upbeat personality and sugar sweet voice. After the show ended Jordan started uploading self-made performances to YouTube and received millions of views from besotted fans. ...
How You Like Me Now
How You Like Me NowAlexis Jordan

Alexis Jordan


Got 2 Luv U
Got 2 Luv USean Paul and Alexis Jordan

Tomahawk Technique


The Air That I Breathe
The Air That I BreatheAlexis Jordan

Alexis Jordan


Shout Shout
Shout ShoutAlexis Jordan

Alexis Jordan


Hush Hush
Hush HushAlexis Jordan

Alexis Jordan


Love Mist
Love MistAlexis Jordan

Alexis Jordan


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