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Alison Krauss & Union Station

Country music
Alison Krauss & Union Station won American hearts and restored bluegrass music to the mainstream with their exciting contributions to the hit movie and albums O Brother Where Art Thou and Cold Mountain, resulting in a slew of awards. It also led the band - comprising some of America's greatest modern country musicians, like lap steel icon Jerry Douglas and guitarist/mandolin hero Dan Tyminski - acquiring the appeal and commercial weight of a major rock band, helping to bring country music back into vogue. Krauss, who began as a classical violinist, actually had her own band at th...
Looks Like The End Of The Road
Looks Like The End Of The RoadAlison Krauss & Union Station


Every Time You Say Goodbye
Every Time You Say GoodbyeAlison Krauss & Union Station

Local Color


A Living Prayer
A Living PrayerAlison Krauss, Alison Krauss & Union Station and Union Station

Essential Alison Krauss


My Poor Old Heart
My Poor Old HeartAlison Krauss and Alison Krauss & Union Station

Lonely Runs Both Ways


On the Outside Looking In
On the Outside Looking InAlison Krauss, Alison Krauss & Union Station and Union Station

Paper Airplane


Paper Airplane
Paper AirplaneAlison Krauss & Union Station
