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Amon Tobin

Classical music
Electronic music
Amon Tobin is a Brazilian producer and DJ whose electronic tracks have been featured on the soundtrack of several movies including 'The Italian Job', '21' and 'Divine Intervention'. Born in Rio de Janeiro, he grew up in Europe with several years in Brighton, England and then Montreal, Canada. He began making sample tracks under the name Cujo and in 1997 released the album 'Bricolage' which earned him widespread acclaim. He followed with 'Permutation' (1998) and 'Supermodified' (2000) and his 2002 release 'Out from Out Where' reached number 32 on Billboard's Independent Albums ...
If You Knew My Name
If You Knew My NameFigueroa and Amon Tobin

Back to the Stars
Back to the StarsFigueroa and Amon Tobin

Weather Girl
Weather GirlFigueroa and Amon Tobin

Don't Even Trip
Don't Even TripPeeping Tom and Amon Tobin

Peeping Tom


The World As We Know It
The World As We Know ItFigueroa and Amon Tobin

Better Run
Better RunFigueroa and Amon Tobin

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