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Art Tatum

Boogie woogie
New Orleans jazz
Innovative and trailblazing, Art Tatum's piano playing has inspired a new generation of jazz musicians, most of whom struggle to get anywhere near his brilliance. His father was a guitarist and his mother a pianist and Tatum (who was nearly blind) was a child prodigy, playing at his father's church before going on to study music at Columbus School for the Blind - though his love of jazz was initially discouraged. He got a spot on a Toledo radio station, but his reputation was made accompanying the singer Jon Hendricks at various clubs, leading to guest appearances with the likes ...
Basin Street Blues
Basin Street BluesArt Tatum

Fantastic Mr.Fox [B.O.F.]


Tea for Two
Tea for TwoArt Tatum

Guitar & Bass

Dancing in the Dark
Dancing in the DarkArt Tatum

Bd Jazz: Art Tatum


I'm in the Mood for Love/When a Woman Loves a Man
I'm in the Mood for Love/When a Woman Loves a ManArt Tatum

The Complete Pablo Solo Masterpieces


StardustArt Tatum

1932-1953, Vol. 2

All God's Chillun Got Rhythm
All God's Chillun Got RhythmArt Tatum

All That Jazz


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