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Avi Kaplan

Folk music
Contemporary folk
Folk pop
Recognized by his deep bass voice, American singer-songwriter Avriel Benjamin Kaplan (April 17, 1989) first jumped to the spotlight as a member of the award-winning a cappella folk group Pentatonix. Born and raised in Visalia, California, Kaplan started singing from a very early age, inspired by both his love of folk music and nature. With time, he became a highly versatile vocal performer who could effortlessly delve into different genres like jazz and opera. Avi Kaplan joined Pentatonix in 2011 as the group embarked on a successful career that included a win on the third season...
Change on the Rise
Change on the RiseAbsalon, Jason Walker, Avi Kaplan, Axel Palumbo-Pertout, Tedd Tjornhom and Paul Moak

I'll Get By


Ring of Fire
Ring of FireHome Free and Avi Kaplan

Crazy Life


Move Our Souls
Move Our SoulsAvi Kaplan, Adam Grover, Guthrie Brown, Noah Denney and Reid Leslie


I Can't Lie
I Can't LieAvi Kaplan


Get Down
Get DownAvi Kaplan


Song for the Thankful
Song for the ThankfulAvi Kaplan


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