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Bébé Lilly

Electronic music
Dance music
Children music
Bébé Lilly is a gifted three-year-old who already has a master's degree in marketing. Bébé Lilly also has a pretty, tangy voice, and has been collecting hits since "Allo papy" in 2006, with no fewer than 12 Top 15 singles to her credit. Bébé Lilly also releases albums, Mon Monde à Moi (2006), Mon Tour du Monde à Moi (2007) and Les Aventures de Bébé Lilly (2008). With no law seemingly prohibiting the employment of virtual children, Bébé Lilly has many years ahead of her. Ma Baby Boum in 2010 suggests an accelerated entry into pre-adolescence for the phenomenon. The time for relaxa...
La Jungle Des Animaux
La Jungle Des AnimauxBébé Lilly

Mon Monde à Moi


Bye bye ciao
Bye bye ciaoBébé Lilly

Mon Monde à Moi


Dans L'espace
Dans L'espaceBébé Lilly

Mon Tour Du Monde A Moi


KowbojeBébé Lilly

Moj Swiat


Tyci Tycia
Tyci TyciaBébé Lilly

Moj Swiat


Ompi kompi
Ompi kompiBébé Lilly

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