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Big Star

Rock music
Pop music
Folk rock
One of music's great lost, cult bands, Big Star's hazy, jangling, pop melodies and Alex Chilton's bittersweet songwriting struggled for mainstream success in the 1970s, but went on to influence generations of US indie acts. Inspired by the British invasion beat groups, Chilton originally started out as a 16-year-old, fronting Memphis R&B group The Box Tops and had an international hit in 1967 with The Letter, before teaming up with old friend Chris Bell and starting the band. Cheekily named debut, Number 1 Record (1972) received rave reviews from Rolling Stone magazine for its dr...
ThirteenBig Star

#1 Record


I'm in Love With a Girl
I'm in Love With a GirlBig Star

Radio City


In the Street
In the StreetBig Star

#1 Record


September Gurls
September GurlsBig Star

Radio City


You Get What You Deserve
You Get What You DeserveBig Star

Radio City

The Ballad Of El Goodo
The Ballad Of El GoodoBig Star

#1 Record


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