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Billy Bob Thornton

Rock music
Country rock
Country music
Long before he made a name for himself in Hollywood for his roles in Indecent Proposal, U-Turn, Armageddon, his own films(Sling Blade) or his troubled union with Angelina Jolie, Billy Bob Thornton's first love was music, and more specifically 60s rock. A passion he considers at least as important as his acting career, since he has released five albums since 2001, most recently in 2008 as part of the trio The Boxmasters.
Beauty at the Back Door
Beauty at the Back DoorBilly Bob Thornton

Private Radio


Baby Can I Hold You
Baby Can I Hold YouBilly Bob Thornton

The Edge of the World


True Love Never Dies
True Love Never DiesEarl Scruggs, Travis Tritt, Gary Scruggs and Billy Bob Thornton

Earl Scruggs and Friends


AngelinaBilly Bob Thornton

Private Radio

ForeverBilly Bob Thornton

Private Radio

Your Blue Shadow
Your Blue ShadowBilly Bob Thornton

Private Radio

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