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Bing Crosby

Pop music
A major star for half a century, Bing Crosby enjoyed unprecedented success as a singer and actor, selling half a billion records in his lifetime. His relaxed, crooning style dominated the swing era, creating a template for virtually every male singer who emerged in the post-war, pre-rock'n'roll era. The fourth of seven children, he adopted "Bing" from The Bingville Bugle, a column in his local paper and caught the singing bug after watching Al Jolson perform in Spokane. He played drums in a local band but it was in a duo with Al Rinker that he caught the eye of the famous bandlea...
White Christmas
White Christmas 

1947 Version

Bing Crosby, Ken Darby Singers and John Scott Trotter & His Orchestra

Holiday Inn


I'll Be Home for Christmas
I'll Be Home for ChristmasBing Crosby

Merry Christmas


The Little Drummer Boy
The Little Drummer BoyBing Crosby

New Country-Christmas With Dave Dudley And Friends Vol.2


Gone Fishin'
Gone Fishin'Louis Armstrong and Bing Crosby

A Handful Of Keys

Silent Night
Silent NightBing Crosby

The Voice of Christmas - The Complete Decca Christmas Songbook


Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep
Count Your Blessings Instead of SheepIrving Berlin and Bing Crosby


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