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Birds on a Wire

Folk music
French chanson
Classical music
Taking its name from a Leonard Cohen song, Birds on a Wire is a duo featuring Franco-American singer Rosemary Standley, known for her membership of the band Moriarty, and Brazilian poly-instrumentalist Dominique Pinto, known as Dom La Nena (cellist, guitarist, pianist and percussionist), who has collaborated with Jane Birkin, Étienne Daho, Camille and Piers Faccini, among others. After recording a debut solo album in the latter's studio, Ela (2013), the musician teamed up with Rosemary Standley to develop a project nourished by their shared tastes for folk, bossa nova and baroque...
La Marelle
La MarelleBirds on a Wire, Lionel Suarez, Rosemary Standley and Dom La Nena

La Marelle


Dernière chance (Derniere chance)
Dernière chance (Derniere chance)Rosemary Standley, Birds on a Wire and Dom La Nena

L'Étoile Filante


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