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Bob Mann

FrenesiAlberto Dominquez, Mark Feldman, David Finck, Tony Kadleck, Bob Mann, John Oddo, Robert Shaw, Robert Harris, Tom Morris, Sarah Carter, Kenny Soderblom, Aaron Heick, Abraham Appleman, Ann Leathers, Barry Finclair, Belinda Whitney, Fredrick Zlotkin, Jeanne LeBlanc, Jim Czak, Jim Saporito, John McCoy, Johnathan Dinklage, Kate Light, Laura Conwesser, Lawrence Feldman, Lisa Matricardi, Lyrics - Ray Charles, Lyrics - SK Russell, Pauline Harris, Richard Locker, Robin Bushman and Shelia Reinhard

Easy to Love
Easy to LoveCole Porter - Music and Lyrics, David Finck, Bob Mann, John Oddo, Tom Morris, Mauro Refosco, Kenny Soderblom, Jim Czak, Jim Saporito and John McCoy