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Boreas Quartett Bremen

Classical music
Have mercy upon me, O God
Have mercy upon me, O GodDorothee Mields, Magdalene Harer, Boreas Quartett Bremen and Hathor Consort

O Lord, how Vain
O Lord, how VainDorothee Mields, Boreas Quartett Bremen and Hathor Consort

Who made thee, Hob, forsake the Plough?
Who made thee, Hob, forsake the Plough?Dorothee Mields, Magdalene Harer, Boreas Quartett Bremen and Hathor Consort

See, see, the word is Incarnate
See, see, the word is IncarnateDorothee Mields, Magdalene Harer, Boreas Quartett Bremen and Hathor Consort

From virgin's Womb
From virgin's WombMagdalene Harer, Dorothee Mields, Boreas Quartett Bremen and Hathor Consort

Triumph with pleasant Melody
Triumph with pleasant MelodyDorothee Mields, Magdalene Harer, Boreas Quartett Bremen and Hathor Consort
