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Brandy Clark

Country rock
Country music
Brandy Clark is a contemporary country singer-songwriter. Born in Morton, Washington on 9 October 1975, she played the guitar and sang in local bands before moving to Nashville in 1998. There she graduated with a music business degree at Belmont University and concentrated on songwriting. Her first big success was in 2009 when Reba McEntire recorded Clark's songs "Cry" and "The Day She Got Divorced" on the album All the Woman I Am. In 2011, she had more success as Ashton Shepherd sang "Tryin' to Go to Church" and Miranda Lambert scored a big hit with Brandy Clark's song "Mama's B...
Just Like Him
Just Like HimBrandy Clark

12 Stories

Pray to Jesus
Pray to JesusBrandy Clark

12 Stories

The Past is the Past
The Past is the PastBrandy Clark and Lindsey Buckingham

Your Life is a Record


Friends (Acoustic Worktape)
Friends (Acoustic Worktape)Brandy Clark, Shane McAnally and Original Broadway Cast of Shucked


Get High
Get HighBrandy Clark

12 Stories

Homecoming Queen
Homecoming QueenBrandy Clark

Feels Like Home


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