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Brett James

Folk music
Country rock
Country music
Brett James (born June 5, 1968) is an American country music singer, songwriter and producer based in Nashville, Tennessee. Born in Columbia, Missouri, he came very close to a completely different career path after attending medical school for a brief period in the early 1990s. He dropped out to pursue a career in music, releasing his self-titled debut album in 1995. In 1998, he partnered with producer Mark Bright to become the first and only songwriter for Bright’s publishing company Teracel Music. This opened the doors to a new role as a songwriter for other artists; Brett Jame...
Chasing Amy
Chasing AmyBrett James

Dark Side Of The Moon
Dark Side Of The MoonBrett James

A Man This Lonely
A Man This LonelyKahiau Lam Ho, Ronnie Dunn and Brett James


PlayVia Vicary, Brett James, Emma Finney, Geoff Mills and Olivia Vicary


Jesus Take the Wheel
Jesus Take the WheelHillary Lindsey, Gordie Sampson and Brett James


Heavy Boots
Heavy BootsGary Quinn, Brett James and Nick Gibbens


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