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Bryan Fowler

Rock music
Pop rock
Christian pop music
Bryan Fowler is a producer and songwriter working within a contemporary Christian music context. He cut his teeth in the band Abandon, for whom he wrote the contemporary Christian radio hits "Hero," "New Year's Day," "Safe In Your Arms," and "Feet It In Your Heart." Hailing from Richmond, Virginia, Bryan Fowler moved to Nashville in 2014 and developed a fruitful relationship with producer and writer Chris Stevens and Capitol CMG Publishing. After working as a producer and writer for a number of CCM artists, he broke out with his own solo debut in 2020, "Madman (Old Rugged Cross")...
Coming Back (Live)
Coming Back (Live)Vertical Worship, Chris Davenport, Vanessa Dalrymple and Bryan Fowler


All My Boast Is in Jesus
All My Boast Is in JesusLifeway Worship, Keith Getty, Matt Papa, Matt Boswell, Bryan Fowler and Daniel Beard (contributor)


Úr Jézus, Jöjj!
Úr Jézus, Jöjj!Bryan Fowler, Stephen Mcwhirter, Hank Bentley and Tara McWhirter


Come Jesus Come
Come Jesus ComeLifeway Worship, Hank Bentley, Bryan Fowler, Tara McWhirter, Daniel Beard (contributor) and Stephen McWhiter (contributor)


You've Already Won (Live)
You've Already Won (Live)Mount Pisgah, Shane Barnard, Jeremy Medkiff, Bryan Fowler, Blake Bennett (contributor) and Dorothy Grace Thompson (contributor)


All Sufficient Merit (Live)
All Sufficient Merit (Live)Mount Pisgah, Shane Barnard, Jeremy Medkiff, Bryan Fowler, Blake Bennett (contributor), Dorothy Grace Thompson (contributor) and Bethany Barnard (contributor)


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