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Calin Ciupe

Pour It Out
Pour It OutHungryGen worship, Calin Ciupe, Jacob Ochoa, Bryson Still, Zack Parkhotyuk, Elizabeth Ochoa and Edvin Kripchenko


A Te Hangod Szól
A Te Hangod SzólLigia Popa, Pablo Calderón, Alexandra Luca, Andreea Katona, Andrei Prodan, Calin Ciupe, Cami Ciupe, Claudiu Taut, Cristina Popa, Daniel Eakins and Georgiana Eakins


Prince of Peace
Prince of PeaceSeeds of Faith, Calin Ciupe, Camelia Ciupe and Luis Giurici (contributor)


Dumnezeu Faimos
Dumnezeu FaimosVlad Birle, Daniel Dan, Calin Ciupe, Antonio Vinter, Bianca Gherghita, Camelia Ciupe, Daiana Ilas, Ema Iconaru, Emanuel Popescu, Lorena Cernisov, Lucia-Johanna Bodea, Miriam Popescu and Robert Perju

Isus M-a Salvat
Isus M-a SalvatMarcela Balea, Calin Ciupe, Camelia Ciupe, Mateo Miu, Raissa Caba, Liviu Pavel, Călin Sturz, Robert Tatar, Emilian Buraga, Monica Cimpoeru, Lorena Munteanu, Anamaria Orasan and Naomi Murza-Sighiatău


If You Need Wisdom
If You Need WisdomSeeds of Faith, Calin Ciupe and Camelia Ciupe
