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Chicks on Speed

Rock music
New wave
Electro pop
Chicks on Speed are the antithesis of The Pussycat Dolls. The electro collective, formed in Berlin in 1997, doesn't put forward advantageous physiques or suave melodies. The five girls who make up the backbone of Chicks on Speed propose a permanent restlessness, the collison of a punk/new wave spirit and electro sounds. 2000's Chicks on Speed Will Save Us All attempts to save electro from gloom and serialism, while 2003's 99 Cents is not an album on sale, but a little gem with "We Don't Play Guitars" and their cover of "Wordy Rappinghood", endorsed by Tina Weymouth herself.
Kaltes Klares Wasser
Kaltes Klares WasserChicks on Speed

The Rereleases of the Unreleases


Song For a Future Generation
Song For a Future GenerationChicks on Speed

The Rereleases of the Unreleases

Euro-Trash Girl
Euro-Trash GirlChicks on Speed

The Rereleases of the Unreleases


Mind Your Own Business
Mind Your Own BusinessChicks on Speed

The Rereleases of the Unreleases

We Don't Play Guitars
We Don't Play GuitarsChicks on Speed and Peaches

Kaboul Kitchen [Série TV]

Warm Leatherette
Warm LeatheretteChicks on Speed

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