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Chris Barber

Between the Colors
Between the ColorsHenrique Vilhena, Chris Barber, Luiz Tornaghi, Bruno Migliari, Matthew John Logan, Clare Dove, Gabor Udvarhelyi, João Paulo Drumond and Taras Kuznetsov


Howlin' at the Moon
Howlin' at the MoonSean Phelan, Chris Barber, Bruno Migliari, Matthew John Logan and Felipe Ribeiro


Vegetarian Dinosaur
Vegetarian DinosaurRachel Haymer, Chris Barber, Luiz Tornaghi, Pedro Silveira, André Vasconcellos, Nuno Fernandes and Dimitri Babkin


The Night the Bombers Owned the Sky
The Night the Bombers Owned the SkyMarta Garrett, Chris Barber, Luiz Tornaghi, Antonio Guerra, Bruno Migliari and Henrique Vilhena


Sorry I'm Late
Sorry I'm LateSean Phelan, Chris Barber, Bruno Migliari, Luciano Vassão, Matthew John Logan, John Logan, Bence Taborszky and Madelene Raneses


One of Those Nights
One of Those NightsSean Phelan, Chris Barber, Luiz Tornaghi, Pablo Arruda, Daniel Stafford, Matthew John Logan and John Logan
