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Cody Carnes

Pop music
Christian pop music
Born in Atlanta, Georgia on March 25, 1989, Cody Carnes is an award-winning Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) singer / songwriter and worship pastor. He released his debut EP, The Lighter Side, in 2009 and followed that with the singles “All He Says I Am” featuring his future wife Kari Jobe (2011) and “Walls” (2012). Cody Carnes served as a pastor at Gateway Church and became involved with the Gateway Worship band. He then issued the EP, All He Says I Am, in 2014, and began to stir up some interest outside of the Dallas area. Signing a contract with the Capitol Christian Music G...
Firm Foundation (He Won't)
Firm Foundation (He Won't)Maverick City Music, Cody Carnes and Chandler Moore

The Maverick Way Complete


Take You at Your Word
Take You at Your WordCody Carnes and Benjamin William Hastings

God Is Good!


Run to the Father
Run to the FatherCody Carnes

Run to the Father


Ain't Nobody
Ain't NobodyCody Carnes

Ain't Nobody


The Blessing
The Blessing 


Elevation Worship, Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes

The Blessing


Nothing Else
Nothing ElseCody Carnes

Nothing Else


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