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Colin Buchanan

Country rock
Country music
Children music
One of the most successful artists to ever emerge from Australia’s country scene, award-winning musician Colin Buchanan was born in Dublin in 1964 but relocated to Melbourne with his family at the age of 6. In 1988, he moved to the Australian outback with his wife and performed a series of rural jobs before being discovered by country and bluegrass band The Flying Emus. After signing with ABC Country, a division of EMI Records, he made his debut with the album Galahs in the Gidgee (1991), for which he received great critical acclaim. Colin Buchanan continued to document the strug...
God Is over All
God Is over AllColin Buchanan, Jonny Robinson and Rich Thompson


The Lord Is by My Side
The Lord Is by My SideColin Buchanan, James Ferguson, Jonny Robinson and Rich Thompson


Jesus Strong and Kind /Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Strong and Kind /Jesus Loves MePhilippines Survivor Network Choir, Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, Rich Thompson and Colin Buchanan


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