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Electronic music
House music
As Tony Blair and the Labour Party swept to an historic British General Election victory in 1997, it was D:Ream's euphoric pop anthem Things Can Only Can Get Better that rang out as the official campaign anthem, and had the embarrassed MPs shuffling along awkwardly as the results came in. Based mainly around front-man Peter Cunnah, the band also included multi-instrumentalist Al Mackenzie and Professor Brian Cox on keyboards (now presenter of the BBC science show Wonders of the Universe) who was then studying for his PhD. The project came together when Curran's former band Tie Th...
Things Can Only Get Better
Things Can Only Get BetterD:Ream

On Vol. 1

U R the Best Thing
U R the Best ThingD:Ream

On Vol. 1


U R The Best Thing
U R The Best ThingDave Pearce and D:Ream

Naked in New York [B.O.F.]


Things Can Only Get Better
Things Can Only Get BetterD:Ream


Things Can Only Get Better
Things Can Only Get BetterD:Ream

On Vol. 1


U R the Best Thing
U R the Best ThingD:Ream

On Vol. 1


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