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Darren Daughtry

Dancing in Paradise
Dancing in ParadiseSteve Green & the Elevators, Steve Green, Pablo Batista, Jimmy Jones, Warren Cooper, Rose Green, Darren Daughtry, Jeff Bichaylo and Louis Taylor


JumpstreetBertram Price Jr, Steve Thornton, Darren Daughtry, Bert Price, Cory Michael, Horace Roger, Alan Randolph and Cyreeta Crowell


Jumpstreet Jazz It Up
Jumpstreet Jazz It UpBrian Jackson, Steve Thornton, Darren Daughtry, Tony Dawsey, Bert Price, Cory Michael, Horace Roger, Alan Randolph, Cyreeta Crowell, Bertram Price Jr and Butch Jones


Jumpstreet (Alex Di Ciò Extended Mix)
Jumpstreet (Alex Di Ciò Extended Mix)Brian Jackson, Steve Thornton, Darren Daughtry, Tony Dawsey, Bert Price, Cory Michael, Horace Roger, Alan Randolph, Cyreeta Crowell and Bertram Price Jr
