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Daryle Singletary

Country music
Contemporary country
Traditional Country
Proudly trying to capture the traditional, old-time spirit of classic stars like Lefty Frizzell and Keith Whitley, Daryle Singletary established himself in the 1990s as a rootsy, country balladeer with a deep, honey-soaked, baritone voice. Growing up in Grady County, Georgia, USA, he started out singing in a gospel group with his brother and cousins but, soon after graduation, packed his bags and headed to Nashville to make his name. Learning his trade at open mic nights and in smokey bars, his demo tape was picked up by Randy Travis and he was eventually signed to independent la...
That's Why I Sing This Way
That's Why I Sing This WayDaryle Singletary

That's Why I Sing This Way


Old Violin
Old ViolinDaryle Singletary and Johnny Paycheck

That's Why I Sing This Way


Long Black Veil
Long Black VeilDaryle Singletary

That's Why I Sing This Way


The Note
The NoteDaryle Singletary

Ain't It The Truth

Some Broken Hearts Never Mend
Some Broken Hearts Never MendDaryle Singletary

Straight From The Heart


A Thing Called Love
A Thing Called LoveDaryle Singletary

Ain't It The Truth


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