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David Morales

House music
Electronic music
Dance music
There at the birth of house music in the mid-1980s, New Yorker David Morales went on to become a superstar DJ and legend of the dance scene for over 25 years. Raised in Brooklyn by Puertan Rican parents, Morales was shot in the leg as teenager but escaped a tough upbringing by DJ-ing at legendary disco clubs such as the Paradise Garage in the late 1970s. He started producing early house records with Frankie Knuckles and later broke into the mainstream pop charts with remixes for Madonna, Seal, U2 and Janet Jackson, before releasing debut album The Product (1993) and underground h...
Joy to the World
Joy to the World 

Celebration Mix

Mariah Carey and David Morales


Rainbow's End
Rainbow's EndMariah Carey and David Morales


Here I Am
Here I AmDavid Morales and Tamra Keenan

2 Worlds Collide


How Would You Feel
How Would You FeelDavid Morales

2 Worlds Collide


Feels Good
Feels GoodDavid Morales

2 Worlds Collide


What Can I Do
What Can I DoDavid Morales and blondewearingblack

Life Is a Song


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