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Davide Murri

SupernovaThe Jaze's Knights, Ciappy DJ, Donny Balice, Jaze Knight and Davide Murri

Choose me
Choose meThe Jaze's Knights, Ciappy DJ, Jaze Knight and Davide Murri

Drop the bomb
Drop the bombThe Jaze's Knights, Ciappy DJ, Jaze Knight and Davide Murri

Just another minutes Galaxy trip - outro
Just another minutes Galaxy trip - outroThe Jaze's Knights, Ciappy DJ, Jaze Knight and Davide Murri

You're not alone - Interlude
You're not alone - InterludeThe Jaze's Knights, Ciappy DJ, Jaze Knight and Davide Murri

Will you go?
Will you go?The Jaze's Knights, Ciappy DJ, Jaze Knight and Davide Murri