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Die Toten Hosen

Rock music
Punk rock
New wave
Die Toten Hosen are a German band from Düsseldorf. Their musical roots lie in the punk scene. The musical Mecca of the time, the Ratinger Hof in Düsseldorf, was the birthplace of the band in 1982, which until then had made music under the name ZK. The Toten Hosen's self-produced debut album, Opel Gang (1983), and the single "Eisgekühlter Bommerlunder" are still regarded as party classics today. The Toten Hosen soon achieve a certain cult status, particularly through extensive tours in Germany. Their first commercial successes came with the albums Damenwahl (1986) and Ein Kleines ...
Still, Still, Still
Still, Still, StillDie Toten Hosen

Wir Warten Auf's Christkind


Alles aus Liebe
Alles aus LiebeDie Toten Hosen

Kauf Mich!


Hier kommt Alex
Hier kommt AlexDie Toten Hosen

Crash Landing

Hier kommt Alex
Hier kommt AlexDie Toten Hosen

Ein Kleines Bißchen Horrorschau


Zehn kleine Jägermeister (Zehn kleine Jaegermeister)
Zehn kleine Jägermeister (Zehn kleine Jaegermeister)Die Toten Hosen

Machmalauter: Die Toten Hosen - Live!


Was zählt (Was zaehlt)
Was zählt (Was zaehlt)Die Toten Hosen



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