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Drops INA

Pop music
World music
Drops INA is a Brazilian Christian music group that originated in July 2016 as part of the INA Londrina church, under the leadership of Pastors Paulo and Rebeca Vicente. The band's formation came about during one of the ministry’s regular spiritual gatherings for teenagers, where they recorded a worship song that was later posted on their channel. The name "Drops" symbolizes “small glimpses” of God’s glory, which the band seeks to capture and share through their worship music. Known for their heartfelt and inspired performances, Drops INA has grown from serving their local church...
Aqui Como no Céu (Aqui Como no Ceu)
Aqui Como no Céu (Aqui Como no Ceu)Drops INA



268433 - SANTO
268433 - SANTODrops INA and Theo Rubia

Rei do Meu Coração (Rei do Meu Coracao)
Rei do Meu Coração (Rei do Meu Coracao)Central MSC, Drops INA, Renato Mimessi, Rafael Bicudo and Ana Paula Rocha

Canção de Simeão (Cancao de Simeao)
Canção de Simeão (Cancao de Simeao) 

Ao Vivo

Drops INA


É Ele (E Ele)
É Ele (E Ele)Drops INA

É Ele


Tu És Santo
Tu És SantoDrops INA and Siloé Music


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