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Dwight Twilley

Rock music
New wave
Pop rock
Singer, songwriter, and musician Dwight Twilley was born on June 6, 1951, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A pioneer of the power pop genre, his musical journey began in 1967 when he met Phil Seymour, who was also a singer, songwriter, and musician. The duo forged a musical partnership that took them from Tulsa to Memphis, Tennessee before settling in Los Angeles, California in 1974. Along with guitarist Bill Pitcock IV, they became The Dwight Twilley Band and signed with Shelter Records. The group’s first single, “I’m on Fire,” was a surprise hit and reached number 15 on Billboard’s Hot 100 ...
Hello Goodbye
Hello GoodbyeDwight Twilley

The Beatles


Looking For the Magic
Looking For the MagicDwight Twilley and Dwight Twilley Band


In My Life
In My LifeDwight Twilley

The Beatles


Money (That's What I Want)
Money (That's What I Want) 

Bonus Track

Dwight Twilley


That I Remember
That I RememberDwight Twilley


Somebody to Love
Somebody to LoveDwight Twilley

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