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Elizabeth Mitchell

Folk music
Children music
Born in 1968 in New York City, Elizabeth Mitchell is an American folk singer who rose to fame in the late 1980s as part of the duo Liz and Lisa, alongside Lisa Loeb. The two were known for their catchy, harmonized pop-folk sound, and released two albums—Liz and Lisa (1989) and Liz and Lisa – Days Were Different (1990)—before splitting up shortly after. Following the dissolution of the group, Elizabeth Mitchell teamed up with future husband Daniel Littleton to form the indie rock band Ida, with whom she released eight studio albums between 1994 and 2008. Since the late 90s, she ac...
You Are My Sunshine
You Are My SunshineElizabeth Mitchell and Daniel Littleton

You Are My Sunshine


Blue Clouds
Blue CloudsElizabeth Mitchell

Blue Clouds


Little Bird, Little Bird
Little Bird, Little BirdElizabeth Mitchell

You Are My Little Bird


Little Liza Jane
Little Liza JaneElizabeth Mitchell

You Are My Little Bird


Los Pollitos (The Little Chicks)
Los Pollitos (The Little Chicks)Elizabeth Mitchell

You Are My Little Bird


Ladybug Picnic
Ladybug PicnicElizabeth Mitchell

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