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Enrico Pieranunzi

Classical music
Free jazz
Enrico Pieranunzi is an Italian jazz pianist who has recorded more than 70 albums and composed more than 300 pieces. He was born in Rome into a musical family; his father Alvaro was a guitarist and his brother Gabriele a classical violinist. After graduating with a music degree Alvaro began teaching, but left his job in 1975 to concentrate on playing with the Enrico Pieranunzi Trio. He made his album debut with 'Jazz a Confronto' in 1975, followed by 'New and Old Jazz Sounds' (1976), 'The Day After the Silence' (1976) and 'A Long Way' (1978). During the 1980s he worked with Am...
Someday My Prince Will Come
Someday My Prince Will ComePaul Motian and Enrico Pieranunzi

Deep Down


September Song
September SongPhil Woods and Enrico Pieranunzi



All the Way
All the WayCharlie Haden, Billy Higgins and Enrico Pieranunzi

The Heart of the Ballad


How Deep Is the Ocean?
How Deep Is the Ocean?Enrico Pieranunzi

Alone Together


I Fall in Love Too Easily
I Fall in Love Too EasilyEnrico Pieranunzi

New Lands

Speak Low
Speak LowEnrico Pieranunzi

Alone Together


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