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Eric Bazilian

Rock music
Pop music
Latin pop music
Love Will Keep Us Alive Again
Love Will Keep Us Alive AgainScorpions, Eric Bazilian and Harry "Slick" Sommerdahl

Humanity - Hour I


Put on Your Green Shoes
Put on Your Green ShoesCyndi Lauper, Three Cats and a Fiddle, Eric Bazilian and Rob Hyman


Save the Noize 2
Save the Noize 2Alex Kron, Eric Bazilian, Kee Marcello, Dee Snider, Howie Simon, Johnny Gioeli, Jimmy Jay, Martin Sweet, Jens Werner, Corey Duvette, Martin Thomander, Nalle Colt, Jesper Lindgren, Michael Starr, Niklas Isfeldt, Per Soläng, David Åkesson, Chaq Mol and Carl Sentance

Save the Noize 2


One of Us (Acoustic)
One of Us (Acoustic)Eric Bazilian


Lucky To Be
Lucky To BeEric Bazilian

Hallelujah And Amen
Hallelujah And AmenEric Bazilian