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Erol Alkan

Electronic music
Dance music
Electro rock
DJ, club owner, remixer and producer, Erol Alkan remains better known for his work for others than for his own. As a DJ, he's more interested in the dance and house worlds, while as a remixer and producer, it's electro in its entirety that he tackles. With Peaches, LCD Soundsystem, Boys Noize, Gonzales, Björk, Digitalism, Mystery Jets and Franz Ferdinand to his credit, Erol Alkan carries a lot of weight. Under his own name, Erol Alkan is currently content to release DJ sets such as A Bugged Out Mix in 2005 and several singles with Boys Noize.
Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Only Love Can Break Your HeartErol Alkan and Saint Etienne

Foxbase Alpha


Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Only Love Can Break Your HeartErol Alkan and Saint Etienne

Foxbase Alpha


BirdsErol Alkan and M83

Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts


At Last I Am Free
At Last I Am FreeErol Alkan and Robert Wyatt

Nothing Can Stop Us


Vapour Trail
Vapour TrailErol Alkan and Trespassers William

A Bugged Out Mix / A Bugged Out Mix by Erol Alkan


End of a Love Affair
End of a Love AffairErol Alkan and Julie London

A Bugged Out Mix / A Bugged Out Mix by Erol Alkan


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