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Flo Delavega

French chanson
Reggae music
World music
Florian Garcia (June 12, 1987) is a French singer-songwriter who goes by the stage name of Flo Delavega. Born in Bordeaux, he studied to become a physical education teacher and worked as a lifeguard before meeting future musical partner-in-crime Jérémy Frérot. Together, they formed the French chanson duo Fréro Delavega in 2011 and started to upload material to their video streaming channel. Shortly after, their music caught the attention of Capitol Music France, who released their debut EP Onde Sensuelle in 2013. The following year, Delavega and Frérot reached the top of the Fren...
Printemps éternel (Printemps eternel)
Printemps éternel (Printemps eternel)Flo Delavega

Rêveur Forêveur


Un Beau Jour
Un Beau JourFlo Delavega and Natalia Doco

Rêveur Forêveur


Nous Deux
Nous DeuxFlo Delavega

Rêveur Forêveur


Souvenirs De demain
Souvenirs De demainFlo Delavega

Rêveur Forêveur


Un Amanecer
Un AmanecerFlo Delavega

Rêveur Forêveur


La Clé Du Mystère (La Cle Du Mystere)
La Clé Du Mystère (La Cle Du Mystere)Flo Delavega

Rêveur Forêveur


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