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Foster & Allen

Folk music
Soul music
Coming to attention with their hit single Bunch Of Thyme in 1979, Foster & Allen became huge favourites of family audiences with their easy listening charm and melodic folksie ballads. Both Irish singers and accordion players, they learned their craft individually on the Irish showband circuit and got together in 1975 to play the Irish clubs in England. They got their first Irish Number1 single in 1979 with A Sprig Of Thyme, although it was another three years before it was released in the UK, eventually breaking into the British Top 20. Further sentimental hits followed with Mag...
MaggieFoster & Allen



A Bunch Of Thyme
A Bunch Of ThymeFoster & Allen

A Bunch Of Thyme

When You Say Nothing at All
When You Say Nothing at AllFoster & Allen

At the Movies


Danny Boy
Danny BoyFoster & Allen

After All These Years

The Old Threshing Mill
The Old Threshing MillFoster & Allen



Old Rustic Bridge by the Mill
Old Rustic Bridge by the MillFoster & Allen

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