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Francis Lai

French chanson
Classical music
Film score
Francis Lai, who died at his home in Nice aged 86 on 7th November 2018, was an acclaimed French film composer known best for his Academy Award-winning music for the hit 1970 drama 'Love Story'. Lauded for his romantic and melodic themes, he wrote the scores for more than 100 movies and many radio and television productions spanning from 1966 to 2017. Born in Nice, he learned to play the accordion as a child and performed with local orchestras before moving to Paris in the 1950s where he performed with singer Claude Goaty, had a stint with Michel Magne's orchestra and wrote songs ...
Un homme et une femme
Un homme et une femmeFrancis Lai

Un Homme et Une Femme [B.O.F.]

SolitudeFrancis Lai

Great Love Themes


Carry That Weight
Carry That WeightFrancis Lai


Sea and Sky
Sea and SkyFrancis Lai and Michel Legrand

Time for Loving


Windmills of Your Mind
Windmills of Your Mind 

Theme from Thomas Crown Affair

Francis Lai and Michel Legrand


La leçon particulière (La lecon particuliere)
La leçon particulière (La lecon particuliere)Lavern and Francis Lai

Mayerling [B.O.F.]


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