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G.G. Anderson

Pop music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
Schlager music
G. G. Anderson (born December 4, 1949 in Eschwege) is a pop singer, composer and music producer from Germany. Born Gerd Grabowski, the artist can now look back on a 60-year career in show business. In his early years, G. G. Anderson was a member of various bands. He made his first appearances in 1964 with The Rackets. From 1973, he tried his hand as a solo artist. He initially performed under the name Alexander Marco. He later changed his stage name to Tony Bell. His former backing band later became the folk music duo Wildecker Herzbuben. Since 1980, pop fans have known him as G....
CheerioG.G. Anderson

Always and Ever

Du hast den Teufel geküsst (Du hast den Teufel gekusst)
Du hast den Teufel geküsst (Du hast den Teufel gekusst)G.G. Anderson

Sieben Leben


Das macht uns doch keiner nach
Das macht uns doch keiner nachG.G. Anderson

Wenn in Santa Maria


Sommernacht in Rom
Sommernacht in RomCalimeros and G.G. Anderson

Sommernacht In Rom


Mama Lorraine
Mama LorraineG.G. Anderson

Und Dann Nehm' Ich Dich In Meine Arme


Gib mein Herz zurück (Gib mein Herz zuruck)
Gib mein Herz zurück (Gib mein Herz zuruck)G.G. Anderson

G.G. Anderson '98


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