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George "Bon Bon" Tunnell

Fit as a Fiddle
Fit as a FiddleThe Three Keys, Bob Pease, George "Bon Bon" Tunnell, Slim Furness and Bon Bon & His Buddies

The Three Keys : 1932-1933


Basin Street Blues
Basin Street BluesThe Three Keys, Bob Pease, George "Bon Bon" Tunnell, Slim Furness and Bon Bon & His Buddies

The Three Keys : 1932-1933


I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire
I Don't Want to Set the World on FireGeorge "Bon Bon" Tunnell


Mood Indigo
Mood IndigoThe Three Keys, Bob Pease, George "Bon Bon" Tunnell, Slim Furness and Bon Bon & His Buddies

The Three Keys : 1932-1933


Song of the Islands
Song of the IslandsThe Three Keys, Bob Pease, George "Bon Bon" Tunnell, Slim Furness and Bon Bon & His Buddies

The Three Keys : 1932-1933


All That Meat and No Potatoes
All That Meat and No PotatoesThe Three Keys, Buster Smith, Eddie Durham, Jackie Fields, Jack Parker, George "Bon Bon" Tunnell, Joe "Cornbread" Thomas and Bon Bon & His Buddies

The Three Keys : 1932-1933
