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George Howard

Soul music
Born in Philadelphia on September 15, 1956, George Howard's mix of R&B, soul, and smooth jazz proved to be a winning combination during the 1980s and 1990s, when several of his albums topped the Billboard Traditional Jazz Albums chart. He toured with smooth jazz pioneer Grover Washington Jr. during the late 1970s and made his solo debut with 1982's Asphalt Gardens. Dancing in the Sun became his first release to top the Jazz Albums chart in 1985, with his next three albums — Love Will Follow, A Nice Place to Be, and Reflections — all following suit. Howard released six well-receiv...
Piano in the Dark
Piano in the DarkGeorge Howard


Piano in the Dark
Piano in the DarkGeorge Howard


Love Songs
Love SongsGeorge Duke and George Howard

Is Love Enough?


Out in the Cold
Out in the ColdGeorge Howard

When Summer Comes

