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Glen Dempsey

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Love Divine, All Loves ExcellingChristopher Robinson, Cambridge, Glen Dempsey and The Choir of St John's College


Bogoroditse Dyevo
Bogoroditse DyevoAndrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and Glen Dempsey

Advent Live, Volume 2


A Hymn for St Cecilia
A Hymn for St CeciliaChristopher Robinson, Cambridge, Glen Dempsey and The Choir of St John's College


Hear My Words, Ye People
Hear My Words, Ye PeopleChristopher Robinson, Cambridge, Glen Dempsey and The Choir of St John's College

Parry : Musique De Cathédrale


A Spotless Rose
A Spotless RoseAndrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College, Glen Dempsey and Simon Grant

Carols from Kings College, Cambridge


I Will Love Thee, O Lord (Psalm 18)
I Will Love Thee, O Lord (Psalm 18)Andrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and Glen Dempsey
