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Grégory Lemarchal

French chanson
French mainstream pop
Stage musical
On April 30th 2007, French singer Grégory Lemarchal, passed away from health complications caused by cystic fibrosis. He was best known as the winner of the music television show Star Academy, which he had appeared on three years earlier. Born 13 May, 1983 in La Tronche, France, Lemarchal was diagnosed with the genetic condition at the age of twenty months but remained active throughout his life, auditioning for talent shows and competitions before eventually appearing on the reality singing show in 2004. A firm favourite with audiences throughout the series, Lemarchal won 80% of...
S.O.S d'un terrien en détresse (S.O.S d'un terrien en detresse)
S.O.S d'un terrien en détresse (S.O.S d'un terrien en detresse)Grégory Lemarchal

La Voix d'Un Ange


Écris l'histoire (Ecris l'histoire)
Écris l'histoire (Ecris l'histoire)Grégory Lemarchal



Même si (what you're made of) (Meme si (what you're made of))
Même si (what you're made of) (Meme si (what you're made of))Grégory Lemarchal and Lucie Silvas

Breathe In


À corps perdu (A corps perdu)
À corps perdu (A corps perdu)Grégory Lemarchal

Je Deviens Moi


Je suis en vie
Je suis en vieGrégory Lemarchal

Je Deviens Moi


Restons amis
Restons amisGrégory Lemarchal

La Voix d'Un Ange


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