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Rap music
Alternative hip hop
Asiatic music
Yoon Hyung-joon, known by his stage name Hangzoo, is a South Korean rapper and a previous member of the hip-hop group Rhythm Power, under Amoeba Culture. Born on December 10, 1986, in Incheon, Hangzoo entered the hip-hop scene in 2010 and quickly became known for his engaging flow and lyrical skill. His breakthrough came with his first EP, Best Driver, released in August 2015, showcasing his unique sound and solidifying his presence in the Korean hip-hop industry. In 2017, he gained nationwide recognition by winning Show Me the Money 6, where his performances, including collabora...


Los, 개코, 박재범, GRAY (그레이), 기리보이, 노을, 로꼬, 킬라그램, 보이비, 우원재, Junoflo (주노플로), 플로우식, Ja Mezz, 김하온(HAON), Jvcki Wai, Ugly Duck, 창모, 존오버, 저스디스(JUSTHIS), 한요한, 김효은, 딥플로우, Hash Swan, 지구인, 지투(G2), Chaboom(차붐), 쿠기(Coogie), Dayday, 행주, 레디, EK, 비와이(BewhY) and 디보(Dbo) (Gaeko, Jay Park, GRAY, GIRIBOY, Noel, Loco, KillaGramz, Boi B, Woo Won Jae, Woo, Junoflo, Flowsik, HAON, Changmo, Jhnovr, JUSTHIS, Han Yo Han, Keem Hyoeun, Deepflow, Geegooin, G2, Chaboom, Coogie, Hangzoo, Reddy, BewhY and Dbo)

119 Remix


쿠키영상 Journey (Journey)
쿠키영상 Journey (Journey)조광일, 에일리(Ailee), 개코 and 행주 (Gwangil Jo, AILEE, Gaeko and Hangzoo)


Red Sun
Red Sun행주, 스윙스 and 지코 (ZICO) (Hangzoo, Swings and ZICO)

요즘것들 Yozm gang (Yozm gang)
요즘것들 Yozm gang (Yozm gang)행주, DEAN, 지코 (ZICO), 킬라그램, Hash Swan and 양홍원 (Hangzoo, ZICO, KillaGramz and YANGHONGWON)


bestdriverZ행주, DEAN and Zion.T (Hangzoo)


격리해제 CODE CLEAR (CODE CLEAR)개코, 루이, 사이먼 도미닉, 버벌진트, 로꼬, 보이비, 우원재, 펀치넬로(punchnello), YDG, Ja Mezz, 넉살, Lil tachi, 김승민, 최자, UNEDUCATED KID, THAMA, 던밀스(Don Mills), BIG Naughty (서동현), 안병웅, 김효은, 릴러말즈 (Leellamarz), 지구인, MOON, Tiger JK, BIGONE(빅원), 쿠기(Coogie), 행주, Khakii, 오르내림, QM, 스웨이디 (Sway D), TRADE L, 쿤디판다(Khundi Panda), 비비(BIBI), 원슈타인, PUFF DAEHEE, 이영지, 오웰무드, 비와이(BewhY), 빌스택스(BILL STAX), 블라세 (BLASÉ), 맥대디(Mckdaddy), 디보(Dbo), 베이식, 스월비, 조광일, 저드(jerd), 오담률, 이로한, 로스(Los), 로즈 드 페니, 타미 스트레이트, 트웰브, 손 심바, 래원(Layone), Ski Dash, 비지, 지조, WHATIS AUTUMN, 던말릭(DON MALIK), CK and Chin (Gaeko, Louie, Simon Dominic, Verbal Jint, Loco, Boi B, Woo Won Jae, Woo, punchnello, Nucksal, Kim Seungmin, Choiza, Don Mills, BIG Naughty, Ahn Byeong Woong, Keem Hyoeun, Leellamarz, Geegooin, BIGONE, Coogie, Hangzoo, OLNL, Sway D, Khundi Panda, BIBI, Wonstein, Lee Young Ji, Owell Mood, BewhY, BILL STAX, Blase, Mckdaddy, Dbo, Basick, Swervy, Gwangil Jo, jerd, OHDAMRYUL, Rohann, Los, Twlv, Layone, Bizzy, Zizo and DON MALIK)


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