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Hannah Brine Choirs

Saint Nicolas, Op 42: The Birth of Nicolas
Saint Nicolas, Op 42: The Birth of NicolasBBC Concert Orchestra, Crouch End Festival Chorus, Coldfall Primary School Choir, Hannah Brine Choirs, Mark le Brocq and Zachary Almeida-Rosser


Saint Nicolas, Op 42: The Death of Nicolas
Saint Nicolas, Op 42: The Death of NicolasBBC Concert Orchestra, Crouch End Festival Chorus, Coldfall Primary School Choir, Hannah Brine Choirs and Mark le Brocq


Saint Nicolas, Op 42: Nicolas Devotes Himself to God
Saint Nicolas, Op 42: Nicolas Devotes Himself to GodBBC Concert Orchestra, Crouch End Festival Chorus, Coldfall Primary School Choir, Hannah Brine Choirs and Mark le Brocq


Saint Nicolas, Op 42: Nicolas and the Pickled Boys
Saint Nicolas, Op 42: Nicolas and the Pickled BoysBBC Concert Orchestra, Crouch End Festival Chorus, Coldfall Primary School Choir, Hannah Brine Choirs and Mark le Brocq


Saint Nicolas, Op 42: Introduction
Saint Nicolas, Op 42: IntroductionBBC Concert Orchestra, Crouch End Festival Chorus, Coldfall Primary School Choir and Hannah Brine Choirs


Saint Nicolas, Op 42: He Journeys to Palestine
Saint Nicolas, Op 42: He Journeys to PalestineBBC Concert Orchestra, Crouch End Festival Chorus, Coldfall Primary School Choir, Hannah Brine Choirs and Mark le Brocq
