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Harry Escott

Classical music
Film score
Stage & Screen
English composer Harry Escott brings his serious classical training to the world of film music. Most often associated with his compatriot Molly Nyman, Harry Escott is involved in Hard Candy (2005), Ghosts (2006), Deep Water (2006), The Road to Guantanamo (2006), which won the Golden Bear at Berlin, A Mighty Heart (2007), Shifty (2009), and I Am a Slave (2010). In 2011, he produced the soundtrack to Steve McQueen's Shame, a film about sex addiction. The soundtrack features three original tracks and covers ranging from Glenn Gould to Blondie.
Glittergirl (feat. Rina Mushonga)
Glittergirl (feat. Rina Mushonga)Harry Escott


Grace (From Ali & Ava)
Grace (From Ali & Ava)Harry Escott and Karan Casey


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