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Hed Kandi

Ambient music
Electronic music
Hed Kandi is an English label founded by Mark Doyle in 1999. The label specializes in compilations that popularize electronica sounds, from house and dance to electro pop and lounge. The Hed Kandi brand is visualized by the dream creatures drawn on the album covers by graphic designer Jason Brooks. Since the Back to Love series, launched in 1999, Hed Kandi has multiplied its themes with Beach House, Destroy the Disco, Disco Heaven, Kandi Lounge, Stereo Sushi and Nu Disco. Hed Kandi has diversified, becoming a ready-to-wear brand and developing its own fragrance.
All I Do
All I Do 

Original Cleptomaniacs Mix

Hed Kandi, Clepto-Maniacs and Bryan Chambers


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