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Howard Hewett

Soul music
Contemporary R&B
An American singer of noted emotional depth, Howard Hewett is best known as the lead singer, front man and dancer with successful soul/R&B band Shalamar through the 1970s and early'80s. Yet the formulaic style did scant justice to Hewett's great talents, which were more fully realised as he embarked on his solo career in the mid-'80s, even if it never matched the commercial appeal of the group. Born in Akron, Ohio, Hewett's life changed when he moved to Los Angeles in 1976 and got involved in the music scene there, winning a place as a dancer on the show 'Soul Train', resultin...
Just To Keep You Satisfied
Just To Keep You SatisfiedHoward Hewett

It's Time

Caught Up
Caught UpBobby Lyle and Howard Hewett


Show Me
Show MeHoward Hewett

Show Me

Another Chance to Love
Another Chance to LoveDionne Warwick and Howard Hewett

Reservations for Two


Lover's Lane
Lover's LaneTeena Marie and Howard Hewett

Congo Square


Say Amen
Say AmenHoward Hewett

I Commit To Love

