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Howie B

Electronic music
Trip hop
Hailing from Glasgow, Howard Bernstein quickly established himself as one of the rising stars of electronic music thanks to his diverse activities. On the one hand, his early collaborations with projects such as Dobie and Nomad Soul.B helped to spread his name in the inner circles. Then there's 94, his own label, Pussyfoot, on which he signs bands in a mutating vein (trip hop, ambient, instrumental hip hop, post drum and bass...). Above all, it was as a musician that he made his name. 3 albums in succession affirmed his strong trip hop personality (Music For Babies in 96, Turn Th...
MirageHowie B and Santana

The Essential Santana


انتين (Antenne)
انتين (Antenne) 


Bashar Murad and Howie B


Daydream in Blue
Daydream in BlueHowie B and I Monster

Daydream In Blue

Hold You Close
Hold You CloseEa Akilat and Howie B


Love's Theme
Love's ThemeHowie B and Love Unlimited Orchestra


Hush Now Baby
Hush Now BabyEa Akilat and Howie B


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