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Immortal Technique

Rap music
East Coast rap
Political hip hop
Born in Lima, Peru, on February 19, 1978, Felipe Andres Coronel later moved to Harlem, New York, where he began rapping during his high school years. He adopted the moniker Immortal Technique and became a frequent participant in the city's freestyle rap competitions, emerging as the winner of events like Braggin Rites and Rocksteady Anniversary. His success in the underground hip-hop community allowed him to self-finance his debut album, Revolutionary Vol. 1, which was released in 2001. Revolutionary Vol. 2 followed in 2003, which both albums featuring a mix of rapid-fire rhymes ...
The 4th Branch
The 4th BranchImmortal Technique

Revolutionary Vol. 2


The 3rd World
The 3rd WorldImmortal Technique

The 3rd World


The Point of No Return
The Point of No ReturnImmortal Technique

Revolutionary Vol. 2


Who Do We Trust?
Who Do We Trust?R.A. the Rugged Man and Immortal Technique

Angels of Death
Angels of DeathOuterspace, Vinnie Paz and Immortal Technique

Blood and Ashes

Dance With the Devil
Dance With the DevilImmortal Technique

Revolutionary Vol. 1


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