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Isi Glück

(Isi Glueck)

House music
Electronic music
Party music
Isi Glück or Isabel Bruder-Gülck, as she is known by her real name, was born on February 11, 1991 in Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein. After leaving school, she initially trained as a sports and fitness saleswoman before starting a second apprenticeship as an insurance saleswoman. However, she dropped out after being crowned Miss Germany in 2012. Since 2017, she has been performing as a pop singer in the Mega Park on Mallorca under her pseudonym Isi Glück. Her work includes singles such as "Ich Will Zurück Zu Dir (Hände Hoch Malle)" (2017), "Das Leben Ist Ne Party" (2018), "Wir Sind ...
KnicklichtIsi Glück (Isi Glueck)

Alles Isi


LichtermeerIsi Glück (Isi Glueck)

Das Leben ist ne Party
Das Leben ist ne PartyIsi Glück (Isi Glueck)

Das Leben ist ne Party

Eine Liebe
Eine Liebe 

Mallorca Mix

Mallorca Allstars, Ikke Hüftgold, Lorenz Büffel, Honk!, Isi Glück, Carolina and Almklausi (Ikke Huftgold and Isi Glueck)

Eine Liebe


Die Kinder von Malle
Die Kinder von Malle 

Mike Candys Remix

Isi Glück, Mike Candys and Bianca Hill (Isi Glueck)


Ich will zurück zu dir (Hände hoch Malle) (Ich will zurueck zu dir (Haende hoch Malle))
Ich will zurück zu dir (Hände hoch Malle) (Ich will zurueck zu dir (Haende hoch Malle)) 

Voodoo Mix

Isi Glück (Isi Glueck)


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